Our Academic Writing Program will help prepare you for success throughout your academic journey at Elmira College in the professional world beyond.


WRT 1050

This first-year writing course will introduce you to the landscape of academic writing and communication. With a focus on rhetorical awareness, you will learn to make appropriate decisions with your writing based on topic, context, purpose, writer, and audience. Find your role as a writer and critical thinker from not only an academic perspective, but also in the wider contexts of personal and professional communication.

A professor works with a group of students in the Writing Center
A student works on a writing project on a computer in the Writing Center

The Writing Center

The Writing Center, located in the Gannett-Tripp Memorial Library, is part of the Center for Academic and Professional Excellence (CAPE). Open to all students, it is an important component of the Academic Writing Program.

The Writing Center can help you in a variety of ways, from how to get started with the writing process and organize your content to copy editing drafts. Students can meet with tutors face-to-face or online in 30-minute sessions.

Schedule your appointment using our online scheduling system at elmira.mywconline.com.


Annual Selected First-Year Writing Publication

To reflect the College’s commitment to fostering a successful first-year experience that spans from Summer Orientation through the end of our unique experiential Term III, this student writing collection features reflective, creative, and analytical work from the First Year Seminar (FYS) and WRT 1050, as selected by faculty.

This annual collection of first-year writing is not only a reflection of achievements within the curriculum. but also serves as a teaching tool for the next incoming class of Elmira College students.

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