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You can protect communities and large groups of people by learning population strategies for improving public health.
If you’re interested in helping people, why not help large groups of people? Public Health is about learning how certain behaviors, the environment, government policies, and other factors impact communities. As a minor, this program complements health sciences programs like Pre-Med and Nursing or social sciences such as Human Services, Psychology, and Social Work degrees, where it’s helpful to understand population-level strategies for improving and protecting health.
This program will teach you holistic approaches to keeping populations across the globe healthy. For example, you can explore the effects of healthcare on women, travel abroad to understand how social policies affect public health, or tackle communication strategies during a health crisis.
This program is a great first step toward a master’s degree in Public Health. Those in public health careers often work for government agencies, hospitals, and other private healthcare organizations. Jobs in the field are growing, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting job growth to exceed the average growth for all fields. If helping individuals is your primary interest, this minor will give you perspective on the importance of the individual to larger populations.
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